
Peer-Reviewed Publications

“Competent Legislators or Mere Pawns? Experimental Evidence of Attitudes toward Gender Quota Politicians,” with Alexandra Blackman and Marwa Shalaby, Political Science Research and Methods, conditionally accepted.

“Gender Stereotypes in Autocracies: Experimental Evidence from Morocco,” with Alexandra Blackman and Marwa Shalaby, The Journal of Politics, forthcoming.

“Success Beyond Gender Quotas: Gender, Local Politics, and Clientelism in Morocco,” with Marwa Shalaby, in Decentralization, Local Governance, and Inequality in the Middle East and North Africa, Kristen Kao and Ellen Lust, eds., forthcoming.

“All Politics is Local: Studying Women’s Representation in Local Politics in Authoritarian Regimes” with Marwa Shalaby, Politics and Gender 20, no. 1 (March 2024), 235-240.

“Women’s Rights and Misperceived Gender Norms Under Authoritarianism,” Comparative Political Studies (2023), 1-32.

“Gender Research in Political Science Journals: A Dataset” with Michael FitzGerald, Katie Krumbholz, and Manika Lamba, PS: Political Science and Politics 55, no. 3 (2022): 511-518.

“Earned Income and Women’s Segmented Empowerment: Experimental Evidence from Jordan,” with Amaney Jamal and Steve L. Monroe, American Journal of Political Science 65, no. 4 (2021): 954-970.

“Socialization of Female Islamists: Paternal and Educational Influences,” Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World 7 (2009): 57-87.

Invited Review Articles

Roundtable Book Review Contribution on Seeking Legitimacy: Why Arab Autocrats Adopt Women’s Rights by Aili Mari Tripp, APSA-MENA Politics Newsletter 5, no. 1 (Spring 2022): 68-70. Available here.

Review Article: ``Women’s Activism Before and After the Arab Spring”, The Middle East Journal 75, no. 2 (Summer 2021): 321-324.

Review Article: Paul Amar and Vijay Prashad, eds., Dispatches from the Arab Spring: Understanding the New Middle East (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2013), in Middle East Law and Governance 7, no. 1 (2015): 169-179.

Other Published Work

“Gender Role Attitudes, Perceived Norms, and the ‘Double Burden’ in Morocco,” Policy Research Working Paper no. 10694 (February 2024). MNACE labor and gender research programs; PEOPLE Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. Link

“Shut Out of Good Jobs: Contemporary Obstacles to Women’s Employment in MENA,” Middle East Brief no. 154 (June 2023), Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University,

Success Beyond Gender Quotas: Gender, Local Politics, and Clientelism in Morocco with Marwa Shalaby, GLD Working Paper no. 48, 2021, Part of the Governance and Local Development in the MENA project at the University of Gothenburg’s Program on Governance and Local Development (GLD).

Algeria Five Years After the Arab Uprisings: Findings from the Arab Barometer. Arab Barometer (2017).

Morocco Five Years After the Arab Uprisings: Findings from the Arab Barometer. Arab Barometer (2017).

Human Capital and the Future of the Gulf. Center for Strategic and International Studies (2015).

Workforce Development in Tunisia and Jordan: Changing Attitudes Under New and Old Systems Center for Strategic and International Studies (2015).

“Egypt in the Region,” in Rocky Harbors: Taking Stock of the Middle East in 2015, ed. Jon B. Alterman. Center for Strategic and International Studies (2015): 79-94.

“Egypt: Fighting for Women’s Rights in the Aftermath of the Revolution.” Women Living Under Muslim Laws (2011).

Work in Progress

Underestimating Equality: Perceived Norms and the Politics of Women’s Rights (Book Project)

Balancing the Scales? Aspirations and Realities of Gender Roles in Household and Paid Labor among Moroccans (Working Paper under review)

Does Entrepreneurship Create Engaged Citizens? Evidence from Jordanian Youth, with Rasha Istaiteyeh. (Working Paper under review)

Perceived Gender Norms and Norm-Enforcing Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Morocco (Working Paper)

Just ``a Piece of Paper”: Programmatic Policy and Political Dissatisfaction (Working Paper)

Unpaid Labor and Political Behavior in Morocco (Working Paper)

Men Won’t Go for That: Overestimates of Gender Bias as an Obstacle to Women’s Political Representation, with Alexandra Blackman and Marwa Shalaby. (Working Paper)

Gender and Survey Item Non-Response. (data collection in progress)